As we wrap up our last day in Calgary and prepare to head north to Grande Prairie tomorrow, we thought we would give you a sneak peak behind the scenes so you can see what glamorous tour life is like when we’re not at presentations.  We are so thankful for Maureen Kehler, her husband Thomas and their girls Jordan and Madison, for letting us crash – and trash – their house over the past week.  We are also very grateful for Jan, Wendy and Sheridan for preparing all the meals for the team with such joyful, willing hearts, and for being taxi drivers when the bus was in the shop.  We will always remember your hospitality.

Here’s what a typical night looks like when we return from a show, around 11:30 p.m.

The Kehler's front entrance - yikes!

Michael & Wanzu reviewing merchandise sales

Moi, checking emails & probably writing the blog!


The team unwinding with some games

Thomas teaching Stella how to play chess

Wendy preparing leftovers for the hungry gang

Dickson, Wendy, Jan, Madison, Jordan, Monica, Michael